Active Script List
Monday, March 3, 2025 - 3:24pm
Do you want an easier way for you and your pharmacy to see all your eScripts and repeats? You could set up an Active Script List!
What is an Active Script List (ASL)?
An ASL is a secure, online list of all of your electronic presciptions (eScripts) and computer-generated paper prescriptions. It can be very convenient, especially if you take multiple prescription medicines.
Having an ASL means you can walk into a pharmacy, give consent for staff to access your ASL, and have that pharmacy dispense your medicines. Once registered, any eScripts that you receive will be automatically added to your ASL.
The benefits of an ASL are:
- You no longer need to keep track of multiple eScript tokens.
- It’s easier to fill repeats at a different pharmacy to the one you had the original script dispensed - you don't have to take your repeat with you!
- It helps your doctor and pharmacist manage your medicines more easily.
- If your pharmacy offers home delivery, you do not need to leave your home to receive your medicines.
How do I set up my ASL?
To set up your ASL visit your pharmacy with a mobile phone and 100 points of identification. Most pharmacies around Australia are participating.