Symptomatic Patients
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 - 7:28am
From today (1st March 2023) masks are no longer compulsory for asymptomatic people entering Glebe Hill Family Practice or GHFP Nurture.
Some practitioners, admin staff, nursing staff, visitors and patients will choose to wear a mask according to their personal situation and preferences. We encourage and support people to continue wearing masks if they prefer to.
Our practitioners and staff will wear a mask when it’s not possible to socially distance.
Some practitioners may specify that they require all of their patients to wear a mask. Please read your appointment reminder messages carefully before attending and put a mask on when asked to.
Asymptomatic patients:
- By “asymptomatic” we mean NO cold or flu symptoms, or fever.
- Asymptomatic patients may enter and wait for their practitioner in the waiting room, and it’s up to you whether you wear a mask or not.
Symptomatic patients:
- For symptomatic patients our infection control policies remain unchanged in order to minimize the spread of viruses within our practices.
- By “symptomatic” we mean fever (feeling hot, sweaty or shivery) or cold or flu symptoms (such as runny nose, sore throat, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell).
- Symptomatic patients are encouraged to stay at home and use the phone or video appointment types wherever possible.
- Coming to the practice is not a guarantee that the practitioner will assess you face-to-face. It’s always up to the individual practitioner to decide.
- Symptomatic patients must wait outside the practice (ie. In the car), and only enter if and when invited to do so by the practitioner.
- The practitioner will take a history over the phone before deciding whether to examine face-to-face. This limits exposure to others and allows planning in terms of PPE the safe use of our spaces.
- On arrival symptomatic patients need to check in on the AMS Connect app or phone to let us know you’ve arrived. Here are the phone numbers:
- Glebe Hill Family Practice 6169 0000
- GHFP Nurture 6169 0005
Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.