Michelle Shering
Michelle has been working in physiotherapy for 25 years since graduating from Sydney University. She has worked across a variety of different specialties and locations from remote area health in Broken Hill with the flying doctors to sports physiotherapy with netball and soccer clubs both in Tasmania and NSW.
Michelle has experience in the full spectrum of clinical areas from respiratory physiotherapy to musculoskeletal, orthopaedic and neurological rehabilitation as well as aged care and falls prevention. She is passionate about restoring and maintaining healthy physical function to allow an active lifestyle in all ages.
Settling in Tasmania 14 years ago after living in Scotland for 8 years, Michelle enjoys long family walks, days at the beach and sailing in Tasmania’s beautiful outdoors, and firmly believes she will one day become a very accomplished gardener - "all this failing must surely lead to gardening success one day!".
Initial Physiotherapy Consultation: $130
Subsequent Physiotherapy Consultation: $115
A $5 discount on Physiotherapy appointment fees is available for concession-card-holders on weekdays (Monday to Friday). Full fees apply to Saturday appointments..
A Medicare rebate of $58.30 may be available for patients who have:
- an EPC referral for patients who have a Care Plan (GP Management Plan & Team Care Arrangement), or
- a referral from a GP for allied health services for patients who have had an Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Check
Private referrrals are accepted. (Private Health Fund rebates vary depending on the cover).
Glebe Hill Family Practice uses HICAPS for prompt private health rebates at the surgery.
Referrals are welcome from outside of Glebe Hill Family Practice.
Fridays at Glebe Hill Family Practice